
Internal pick of the litter yesterday morning : part of New York Times puzzle page with crossword diagram and pair of number puzzles under heading KenKen. The page was on carpeted steps linking first and second floors.

No sooner do I glance at this heading, thought of reversal enters in and KenKen becomes NekNek > neck neck. You could scramble letters for less intelligible results like keynote speaker.

A dear, deer friend who shares an interest in fishing and wading bird has been streaming photographs of herons.

Not long after the naming of day “Neck and Neck or KenKen,” I receive two photos of one heron each – the birds are prominent, the legs evident, bodies apparent. One is what I call egg butt heron pose, the other stands standard way. Look again. What springs to mind? They are Neck and Neck.


Dalton Dior

Six fifteen. Matthews Aurora. MidSouth transport “delivering your confidence” eighty-eight cents for carrots for Mr. B clear and shined with sun; Haydn oratorio, ssentiF etiL RV, ten on brick ten on dashboard Clean Fill, arrow right at light, Accurate bada bing, red and white, red and white, brick click mortar, vicinity polymer, BL MOON vanity monopoly O’Shea lumbering Mich BDN *60 Rusco hydraulics 11:09 car time heron jets north northeast vicinity polymer paste Zebra grass and PZ P305A. Tiger. T-cake WaWa and helicopter NNE little higher altitude, 11:39 Colony packaging and machine, Colony Park Hyde Central Neutral 07135. Scotch Broom and Scottish symphony. Synchronicity.